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In this example we’re going to summarise the characteristics of individuals with an ankle sprain, ankle fracture, forearm fracture, or a hip fracture using the Eunomia synthetic data.

We’ll begin by creating our study cohorts.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

con <- dbConnect(duckdb(), dbdir = eunomiaDir())
cdm <- cdmFromCon(
  con = con, cdmSchem = "main", writeSchema = "main", cdmName = "Eunomia"

cdm <- generateConceptCohortSet(
  cdm = cdm,
  name = "injuries",
  conceptSet = list(
    "ankle_sprain" = 81151,
    "ankle_fracture" = 4059173,
    "forearm_fracture" = 4278672,
    "hip_fracture" = 4230399
  end = "event_end_date",
  limit = "all"
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   cohort_definition_id cohort_name    limit prior_observation future_observation
#>                  <int> <chr>          <chr>             <dbl>              <dbl>
#> 1                    1 ankle_sprain   all                   0                  0
#> 2                    2 ankle_fracture all                   0                  0
#> 3                    3 forearm_fract… all                   0                  0
#> 4                    4 hip_fracture   all                   0                  0
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: end <chr>
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   cohort_definition_id number_records number_subjects
#>                  <int>          <int>           <int>
#> 1                    1           1915            1357
#> 2                    2            464             427
#> 3                    3            569             510
#> 4                    4            138             132

Summarising study cohorts

Now we’ve created our cohorts, we can obtain a summary of the characteristics in the patients included in these cohorts.

chars <- cdm$injuries |>
  summariseCharacteristics(ageGroup = list(c(0, 49), c(50, Inf)))
chars |>
#> Rows: 192
#> Columns: 13
#> $ result_id        <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,…
#> $ cdm_name         <chr> "Eunomia", "Eunomia", "Eunomia", "Eunomia", "Eunomia"…
#> $ group_name       <chr> "cohort_name", "cohort_name", "cohort_name", "cohort_…
#> $ group_level      <chr> "ankle_sprain", "ankle_sprain", "ankle_sprain", "ankl…
#> $ strata_name      <chr> "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall"…
#> $ strata_level     <chr> "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall"…
#> $ variable_name    <chr> "Number records", "Number subjects", "Cohort start da…
#> $ variable_level   <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
#> $ estimate_name    <chr> "count", "count", "min", "q25", "median", "q75", "max…
#> $ estimate_type    <chr> "integer", "integer", "date", "date", "date", "date",…
#> $ estimate_value   <chr> "1915", "1357", "1912-02-25", "1968-06-15", "1982-11-…
#> $ additional_name  <chr> "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall"…
#> $ additional_level <chr> "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall", "overall"…

Now we have these results, we can create a table with an overall summary of the people in each cohort.

CDM name
Variable name Variable level Estimate name Cohort name
ankle_sprain ankle_fracture forearm_fracture hip_fracture
Number records - N 1,915 464 569 138
Number subjects - N 1,357 427 510 132
Cohort start date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 1982-11-09 [1968-06-15 - 1999-04-13] 1981-01-15 [1965-03-11 - 1997-08-03] 1981-07-24 [1967-03-05 - 2000-12-16] 1996-09-17 [1977-09-20 - 2010-06-22]
Range 1912-02-25 to 2019-05-30 1911-09-07 to 2019-06-23 1917-08-16 to 2019-06-26 1927-12-14 to 2019-05-08
Cohort end date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 1982-12-10 [1968-07-06 - 1999-05-09] 1981-02-28 [1965-04-11 - 1997-10-12] 1981-08-23 [1967-04-10 - 2001-02-27] 1996-11-16 [1977-12-04 - 2010-07-22]
Range 1912-03-10 to 2019-05-30 1911-12-06 to 2019-06-24 1917-11-14 to 2019-06-26 1928-03-13 to 2019-06-07
Age - Median [Q25 - Q75] 21 [9 - 41] 16 [9 - 43] 17 [9 - 46] 40 [13 - 66]
Mean (SD) 26.63 (21.03) 27.38 (24.70) 28.69 (25.97) 40.06 (28.82)
Range 0 to 105 0 to 107 0 to 106 1 to 108
Age group 0 to 49 N (%) 1,587 (82.87%) 367 (79.09%) 440 (77.33%) 87 (63.04%)
50 or above N (%) 328 (17.13%) 97 (20.91%) 129 (22.67%) 51 (36.96%)
Sex Female N (%) 954 (49.82%) 238 (51.29%) 286 (50.26%) 74 (53.62%)
Male N (%) 961 (50.18%) 226 (48.71%) 283 (49.74%) 64 (46.38%)
Prior observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 7,833 [3,628 - 15,147] 6,030 [3,360 - 16,032] 6,289 [3,390 - 16,847] 14,522 [4,801 - 24,401]
Mean (SD) 9,918.17 (7,672.74) 10,196.57 (9,011.31) 10,670.43 (9,480.30) 14,821.73 (10,521.89)
Range 299 to 38,429 299 to 39,430 299 to 38,943 390 to 39,792
Future observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 12,868 [6,860 - 18,078] 13,748 [6,878 - 19,331] 13,165 [5,988 - 18,548] 7,798 [2,874 - 14,913]
Mean (SD) 12,865.11 (7,543.50) 13,470.92 (8,215.96) 12,913.27 (7,929.17) 9,167.33 (7,160.81)
Range 0 to 38,403 1 to 39,051 0 to 36,654 0 to 29,045
Days in cohort - Median [Q25 - Q75] 22 [15 - 29] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91]
Mean (SD) 25.02 (8.00) 61.65 (25.38) 62.16 (25.32) 59.26 (24.79)
Range 1 to 37 2 to 92 1 to 91 1 to 91
chars |>
  filter(variable_name == "Age") |>
    plotStyle = "boxplot",
    colour = "cohort_name",
    facet = c("cdm_name")

Stratified summaries

We can also generate summaries that are stratified by some variable of interest. In this case we add an age group variable to our cohort table and then stratify our results by age group.

chars <- cdm$injuries |>
  addAge(ageGroup = list(
    c(0, 49),
    c(50, Inf)
  )) |>
  summariseCharacteristics(strata = list("age_group"))
  groupColumn = "age_group"
CDM name
Variable name Variable level Estimate name Cohort name
ankle_sprain ankle_fracture forearm_fracture hip_fracture
Number records - N 1,915 464 569 138
Number subjects - N 1,357 427 510 132
Cohort start date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 1982-11-09 [1968-06-15 - 1999-04-13] 1981-01-15 [1965-03-11 - 1997-08-03] 1981-07-24 [1967-03-05 - 2000-12-16] 1996-09-17 [1977-09-20 - 2010-06-22]
Range 1912-02-25 to 2019-05-30 1911-09-07 to 2019-06-23 1917-08-16 to 2019-06-26 1927-12-14 to 2019-05-08
Cohort end date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 1982-12-10 [1968-07-06 - 1999-05-09] 1981-02-28 [1965-04-11 - 1997-10-12] 1981-08-23 [1967-04-10 - 2001-02-27] 1996-11-16 [1977-12-04 - 2010-07-22]
Range 1912-03-10 to 2019-05-30 1911-12-06 to 2019-06-24 1917-11-14 to 2019-06-26 1928-03-13 to 2019-06-07
Age - Median [Q25 - Q75] 21 [9 - 41] 16 [9 - 43] 17 [9 - 46] 40 [13 - 66]
Mean (SD) 26.63 (21.03) 27.38 (24.70) 28.69 (25.97) 40.06 (28.82)
Range 0 to 105 0 to 107 0 to 106 1 to 108
Sex Female N (%) 954 (49.82%) 238 (51.29%) 286 (50.26%) 74 (53.62%)
Male N (%) 961 (50.18%) 226 (48.71%) 283 (49.74%) 64 (46.38%)
Prior observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 7,833 [3,628 - 15,147] 6,030 [3,360 - 16,032] 6,289 [3,390 - 16,847] 14,522 [4,801 - 24,401]
Mean (SD) 9,918.17 (7,672.74) 10,196.57 (9,011.31) 10,670.43 (9,480.30) 14,821.73 (10,521.89)
Range 299 to 38,429 299 to 39,430 299 to 38,943 390 to 39,792
Future observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 12,868 [6,860 - 18,078] 13,748 [6,878 - 19,331] 13,165 [5,988 - 18,548] 7,798 [2,874 - 14,913]
Mean (SD) 12,865.11 (7,543.50) 13,470.92 (8,215.96) 12,913.27 (7,929.17) 9,167.33 (7,160.81)
Range 0 to 38,403 1 to 39,051 0 to 36,654 0 to 29,045
Days in cohort - Median [Q25 - Q75] 22 [15 - 29] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91]
Mean (SD) 25.02 (8.00) 61.65 (25.38) 62.16 (25.32) 59.26 (24.79)
Range 1 to 37 2 to 92 1 to 91 1 to 91
0 to 49
Number records - N 1,587 367 440 87
Number subjects - N 1,211 341 411 86
Cohort start date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 1978-07-08 [1965-08-07 - 1992-05-07] 1974-08-26 [1960-08-21 - 1988-07-30] 1974-12-23 [1964-05-04 - 1988-03-09] 1983-05-29 [1973-07-30 - 1997-03-20]
Range 1912-02-25 to 2019-05-06 1911-09-07 to 2018-10-12 1917-08-16 to 2019-06-26 1927-12-14 to 2019-01-09
Cohort end date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 1978-08-05 [1965-09-01 - 1992-05-28] 1974-10-25 [1960-10-20 - 1988-10-09] 1975-02-06 [1964-06-11 - 1988-05-07] 1983-08-27 [1973-08-29 - 1997-05-19]
Range 1912-03-10 to 2019-05-06 1911-12-06 to 2018-11-11 1917-11-14 to 2019-06-26 1928-03-13 to 2019-04-09
Age - Median [Q25 - Q75] 16 [7 - 31] 13 [7 - 25] 13 [7 - 23] 15 [9 - 34]
Mean (SD) 19.32 (13.95) 16.49 (12.90) 16.48 (12.87) 21.15 (15.27)
Range 0 to 49 0 to 49 0 to 49 1 to 49
Sex Female N (%) 791 (49.84%) 190 (51.77%) 213 (48.41%) 41 (47.13%)
Male N (%) 796 (50.16%) 177 (48.23%) 227 (51.59%) 46 (52.87%)
Prior observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 5,970 [2,910 - 11,512] 4,941 [2,640 - 9,266] 4,814 [2,662 - 8,680] 5,838 [3,510 - 12,728]
Mean (SD) 7,249.25 (5,084.37) 6,221.68 (4,697.60) 6,212.80 (4,686.12) 7,920.29 (5,584.42)
Range 299 to 18,243 299 to 18,105 299 to 18,158 390 to 18,086
Future observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 14,582 [9,510 - 19,018] 15,936 [10,900 - 20,859] 15,833 [11,020 - 19,580] 12,667 [7,957 - 16,282]
Mean (SD) 14,564.63 (6,955.73) 15,980.16 (7,193.49) 15,495.41 (6,973.47) 12,656.62 (6,557.62)
Range 0 to 38,403 30 to 39,051 0 to 36,654 162 to 29,045
Days in cohort - Median [Q25 - Q75] 22 [15 - 29] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91]
Mean (SD) 25.06 (7.88) 61.01 (25.37) 63.18 (25.35) 63.41 (23.87)
Range 1 to 37 31 to 91 1 to 91 31 to 91
50 or above
Number records - N 328 97 129 51
Number subjects - N 292 93 116 48
Cohort start date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 2008-10-08 [1997-01-11 - 2014-03-06] 2009-07-25 [1999-01-22 - 2015-04-07] 2008-12-20 [2000-10-17 - 2014-09-23] 2010-09-19 [2005-05-10 - 2016-01-10]
Range 1961-02-11 to 2019-05-30 1970-06-04 to 2019-06-23 1961-07-16 to 2019-06-12 1982-01-17 to 2019-05-08
Cohort end date - Median [Q25 - Q75] 2008-10-30 [1997-02-13 - 2014-03-25] 2009-09-23 [1999-04-22 - 2015-06-03] 2009-01-19 [2000-12-09 - 2014-12-22] 2010-10-19 [2005-06-24 - 2016-03-26]
Range 1961-02-25 to 2019-05-30 1970-07-04 to 2019-06-24 1961-08-15 to 2019-06-13 1982-04-17 to 2019-06-07
Age - Median [Q25 - Q75] 59 [53 - 67] 68 [60 - 75] 69 [61 - 78] 71 [62 - 82]
Mean (SD) 62.00 (11.40) 68.59 (11.77) 70.33 (12.90) 72.31 (13.84)
Range 50 to 105 50 to 107 50 to 106 51 to 108
Sex Female N (%) 163 (49.70%) 48 (49.48%) 73 (56.59%) 33 (64.71%)
Male N (%) 165 (50.30%) 49 (50.52%) 56 (43.41%) 18 (35.29%)
Prior observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 21,747 [19,421 - 24,795] 25,114 [22,188 - 27,715] 25,445 [22,496 - 28,815] 25,964 [22,994 - 30,277]
Mean (SD) 22,831.56 (4,167.50) 25,235.61 (4,310.11) 25,874.71 (4,714.82) 26,594.78 (5,045.12)
Range 18,264 to 38,429 18,354 to 39,430 18,379 to 38,943 18,899 to 39,792
Future observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] 3,494 [1,722 - 6,684] 2,909 [1,173 - 5,608] 3,335 [1,316 - 5,988] 2,808 [914 - 4,672]
Mean (SD) 4,642.15 (4,070.72) 3,977.22 (3,624.08) 4,105.97 (3,334.07) 3,215.02 (3,035.15)
Range 0 to 19,780 1 to 17,814 1 to 16,492 0 to 13,595
Days in cohort - Median [Q25 - Q75] 22 [15 - 29] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 61]
Mean (SD) 24.82 (8.58) 64.10 (25.37) 58.69 (25.01) 52.18 (24.95)
Range 1 to 36 2 to 92 2 to 91 1 to 91
chars |>
  filter(variable_name == "Prior observation") |>
    plotStyle = "boxplot",
    colour = "cohort_name",
    facet = c("age_group")
  ) +

Summaries including presence in other cohorts

medsCs <- getDrugIngredientCodes(
  cdm = cdm,
  name = c("acetaminophen", "morphine", "warfarin")
cdm <- generateConceptCohortSet(
  cdm = cdm,
  name = "meds",
  conceptSet = medsCs,
  end = "event_end_date",
  limit = "all",
  overwrite = TRUE
chars <- cdm$injuries |>
  summariseCharacteristics(cohortIntersectFlag = list(
    "Medications prior to index date" = list(
      targetCohortTable = "meds",
      window = c(-Inf, -1)
    "Medications on index date" = list(
      targetCohortTable = "meds",
      window = c(0, 0)

These results will automatically be included when we create our table with patient characteristics.

CDM name
Variable name Variable level Estimate name Table Window Value Cohort name
ankle_sprain ankle_fracture forearm_fracture hip_fracture
Number records - N overall overall overall 1,915 464 569 138
Number subjects - N overall overall overall 1,357 427 510 132
Cohort start date - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 1982-11-09 [1968-06-15 - 1999-04-13] 1981-01-15 [1965-03-11 - 1997-08-03] 1981-07-24 [1967-03-05 - 2000-12-16] 1996-09-17 [1977-09-20 - 2010-06-22]
Range overall overall overall 1912-02-25 to 2019-05-30 1911-09-07 to 2019-06-23 1917-08-16 to 2019-06-26 1927-12-14 to 2019-05-08
Cohort end date - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 1982-12-10 [1968-07-06 - 1999-05-09] 1981-02-28 [1965-04-11 - 1997-10-12] 1981-08-23 [1967-04-10 - 2001-02-27] 1996-11-16 [1977-12-04 - 2010-07-22]
Range overall overall overall 1912-03-10 to 2019-05-30 1911-12-06 to 2019-06-24 1917-11-14 to 2019-06-26 1928-03-13 to 2019-06-07
Age - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 21 [9 - 41] 16 [9 - 43] 17 [9 - 46] 40 [13 - 66]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 26.63 (21.03) 27.38 (24.70) 28.69 (25.97) 40.06 (28.82)
Range overall overall overall 0 to 105 0 to 107 0 to 106 1 to 108
Sex Female N (%) overall overall overall 954 (49.82%) 238 (51.29%) 286 (50.26%) 74 (53.62%)
Male N (%) overall overall overall 961 (50.18%) 226 (48.71%) 283 (49.74%) 64 (46.38%)
Prior observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 7,833 [3,628 - 15,147] 6,030 [3,360 - 16,032] 6,289 [3,390 - 16,847] 14,522 [4,801 - 24,401]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 9,918.17 (7,672.74) 10,196.57 (9,011.31) 10,670.43 (9,480.30) 14,821.73 (10,521.89)
Range overall overall overall 299 to 38,429 299 to 39,430 299 to 38,943 390 to 39,792
Future observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 12,868 [6,860 - 18,078] 13,748 [6,878 - 19,331] 13,165 [5,988 - 18,548] 7,798 [2,874 - 14,913]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 12,865.11 (7,543.50) 13,470.92 (8,215.96) 12,913.27 (7,929.17) 9,167.33 (7,160.81)
Range overall overall overall 0 to 38,403 1 to 39,051 0 to 36,654 0 to 29,045
Days in cohort - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 22 [15 - 29] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 25.02 (8.00) 61.65 (25.38) 62.16 (25.32) 59.26 (24.79)
Range overall overall overall 1 to 37 2 to 92 1 to 91 1 to 91
Medications prior to index date 11289 warfarin N (%) meds -Inf to -1 flag 12 (0.63%) 8 (1.72%) 11 (1.93%) 4 (2.90%)
161 acetaminophen N (%) meds -Inf to -1 flag 1,530 (79.90%) 357 (76.94%) 447 (78.56%) 119 (86.23%)
7052 morphine N (%) meds -Inf to -1 flag 15 (0.78%) 1 (0.22%) 2 (0.35%) 2 (1.45%)
Medications on index date 161 acetaminophen N (%) meds 0 to 0 flag 773 (40.37%) 240 (51.72%) 264 (46.40%) 90 (65.22%)
11289 warfarin N (%) meds 0 to 0 flag 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
7052 morphine N (%) meds 0 to 0 flag 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

We can now also plot our results for these medication cohorts of interest.

plot_data <- chars |>
    variable_name == "Medications prior to index date",
    estimate_name == "percentage"

plot_data |>
    plotStyle = "barplot",
    colour = "variable_level",
    facet = c("cdm_name", "cohort_name")
  ) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(sort(unique(plot_data$variable_level)))) +
  coord_flip() +
  ggtitle("Medication use prior to index date")
#> [1] "variable_level"

Summaries using concept sets

Instead of creating cohorts, we could have directly used our concept sets for medications when characterising our study cohorts.

chars <- cdm$injuries |>
  summariseCharacteristics(conceptIntersectFlag = list(
    "Medications prior to index date" = list(
      conceptSet = medsCs,
      window = c(-Inf, -1)
    "Medications on index date" = list(
      conceptSet = medsCs,
      window = c(0, 0)

Although, like here, concept sets can lead to the same result as using cohorts it is important to note this will not always be the case. This is because the creation of cohorts will have involved the collapsing of overlapping records as well as imposing certain requirements, such as only including records that were observed during an an ongoing observation period. Meanwhile, when working with concept sets we will instead be working directly with record-level data.

CDM name
Variable name Variable level Estimate name Window Value Cohort name
ankle_sprain ankle_fracture forearm_fracture hip_fracture
Number records - N overall overall 1,915 464 569 138
Number subjects - N overall overall 1,357 427 510 132
Cohort start date - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall 1982-11-09 [1968-06-15 - 1999-04-13] 1981-01-15 [1965-03-11 - 1997-08-03] 1981-07-24 [1967-03-05 - 2000-12-16] 1996-09-17 [1977-09-20 - 2010-06-22]
Range overall overall 1912-02-25 to 2019-05-30 1911-09-07 to 2019-06-23 1917-08-16 to 2019-06-26 1927-12-14 to 2019-05-08
Cohort end date - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall 1982-12-10 [1968-07-06 - 1999-05-09] 1981-02-28 [1965-04-11 - 1997-10-12] 1981-08-23 [1967-04-10 - 2001-02-27] 1996-11-16 [1977-12-04 - 2010-07-22]
Range overall overall 1912-03-10 to 2019-05-30 1911-12-06 to 2019-06-24 1917-11-14 to 2019-06-26 1928-03-13 to 2019-06-07
Age - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall 21 [9 - 41] 16 [9 - 43] 17 [9 - 46] 40 [13 - 66]
Mean (SD) overall overall 26.63 (21.03) 27.38 (24.70) 28.69 (25.97) 40.06 (28.82)
Range overall overall 0 to 105 0 to 107 0 to 106 1 to 108
Sex Female N (%) overall overall 954 (49.82%) 238 (51.29%) 286 (50.26%) 74 (53.62%)
Male N (%) overall overall 961 (50.18%) 226 (48.71%) 283 (49.74%) 64 (46.38%)
Prior observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall 7,833 [3,628 - 15,147] 6,030 [3,360 - 16,032] 6,289 [3,390 - 16,847] 14,522 [4,801 - 24,401]
Mean (SD) overall overall 9,918.17 (7,672.74) 10,196.57 (9,011.31) 10,670.43 (9,480.30) 14,821.73 (10,521.89)
Range overall overall 299 to 38,429 299 to 39,430 299 to 38,943 390 to 39,792
Future observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall 12,868 [6,860 - 18,078] 13,748 [6,878 - 19,331] 13,165 [5,988 - 18,548] 7,798 [2,874 - 14,913]
Mean (SD) overall overall 12,865.11 (7,543.50) 13,470.92 (8,215.96) 12,913.27 (7,929.17) 9,167.33 (7,160.81)
Range overall overall 0 to 38,403 1 to 39,051 0 to 36,654 0 to 29,045
Days in cohort - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall 22 [15 - 29] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91]
Mean (SD) overall overall 25.02 (8.00) 61.65 (25.38) 62.16 (25.32) 59.26 (24.79)
Range overall overall 1 to 37 2 to 92 1 to 91 1 to 91
Medications prior to index date 11289 warfarin N (%) -Inf to -1 flag 12 (0.63%) 8 (1.72%) 11 (1.93%) 4 (2.90%)
161 acetaminophen N (%) -Inf to -1 flag 1,530 (79.90%) 357 (76.94%) 447 (78.56%) 119 (86.23%)
7052 morphine N (%) -Inf to -1 flag 15 (0.78%) 1 (0.22%) 2 (0.35%) 2 (1.45%)
Medications on index date 161 acetaminophen N (%) 0 to 0 flag 773 (40.37%) 240 (51.72%) 264 (46.40%) 90 (65.22%)
11289 warfarin N (%) 0 to 0 flag 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)
7052 morphine N (%) 0 to 0 flag 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

Summaries using clinical tables

More generally, we can also include summaries of the patients’ presence in other clinical tables of the OMOP CDM. For example, here we add a count of visit occurrences

chars <- cdm$injuries |>
    tableIntersectCount = list(
      "Visits in the year prior" = list(
        tableName = "visit_occurrence",
        window = c(-365, -1)
    tableIntersectFlag = list(
      "Any drug exposure in the year prior" = list(
        tableName = "drug_exposure",
        window = c(-365, -1)
      "Any procedure in the year prior" = list(
        tableName = "procedure_occurrence",
        window = c(-365, -1)
CDM name
Variable name Variable level Estimate name Table Window Value Cohort name
ankle_sprain ankle_fracture forearm_fracture hip_fracture
Number records - N overall overall overall 1,915 464 569 138
Number subjects - N overall overall overall 1,357 427 510 132
Cohort start date - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 1982-11-09 [1968-06-15 - 1999-04-13] 1981-01-15 [1965-03-11 - 1997-08-03] 1981-07-24 [1967-03-05 - 2000-12-16] 1996-09-17 [1977-09-20 - 2010-06-22]
Range overall overall overall 1912-02-25 to 2019-05-30 1911-09-07 to 2019-06-23 1917-08-16 to 2019-06-26 1927-12-14 to 2019-05-08
Cohort end date - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 1982-12-10 [1968-07-06 - 1999-05-09] 1981-02-28 [1965-04-11 - 1997-10-12] 1981-08-23 [1967-04-10 - 2001-02-27] 1996-11-16 [1977-12-04 - 2010-07-22]
Range overall overall overall 1912-03-10 to 2019-05-30 1911-12-06 to 2019-06-24 1917-11-14 to 2019-06-26 1928-03-13 to 2019-06-07
Age - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 21 [9 - 41] 16 [9 - 43] 17 [9 - 46] 40 [13 - 66]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 26.63 (21.03) 27.38 (24.70) 28.69 (25.97) 40.06 (28.82)
Range overall overall overall 0 to 105 0 to 107 0 to 106 1 to 108
Sex Female N (%) overall overall overall 954 (49.82%) 238 (51.29%) 286 (50.26%) 74 (53.62%)
Male N (%) overall overall overall 961 (50.18%) 226 (48.71%) 283 (49.74%) 64 (46.38%)
Prior observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 7,833 [3,628 - 15,147] 6,030 [3,360 - 16,032] 6,289 [3,390 - 16,847] 14,522 [4,801 - 24,401]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 9,918.17 (7,672.74) 10,196.57 (9,011.31) 10,670.43 (9,480.30) 14,821.73 (10,521.89)
Range overall overall overall 299 to 38,429 299 to 39,430 299 to 38,943 390 to 39,792
Future observation - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 12,868 [6,860 - 18,078] 13,748 [6,878 - 19,331] 13,165 [5,988 - 18,548] 7,798 [2,874 - 14,913]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 12,865.11 (7,543.50) 13,470.92 (8,215.96) 12,913.27 (7,929.17) 9,167.33 (7,160.81)
Range overall overall overall 0 to 38,403 1 to 39,051 0 to 36,654 0 to 29,045
Days in cohort - Median [Q25 - Q75] overall overall overall 22 [15 - 29] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91] 61 [31 - 91]
Mean (SD) overall overall overall 25.02 (8.00) 61.65 (25.38) 62.16 (25.32) 59.26 (24.79)
Range overall overall overall 1 to 37 2 to 92 1 to 91 1 to 91
Any drug exposure in the year prior - N (%) drug_exposure -365 to -1 flag 597 (31.17%) 149 (32.11%) 171 (30.05%) 41 (29.71%)
Any procedure in the year prior - N (%) procedure_occurrence -365 to -1 flag 123 (6.42%) 26 (5.60%) 37 (6.50%) 15 (10.87%)
Visits in the year prior - Median [Q25 - Q75] visit_occurrence -365 to -1 count 0.00 [0.00 - 0.00] 0.00 [0.00 - 0.00] 0.00 [0.00 - 0.00] 0.00 [0.00 - 0.00]
Mean (SD) visit_occurrence -365 to -1 count 0.00 (0.06) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
Range visit_occurrence -365 to -1 count 0.00 to 1.00 0.00 to 0.00 0.00 to 0.00 0.00 to 0.00

Summaries including additional variables