Create a subset of the package diagram containing all in comming and out going paths from a specified function.
getFunctionDiagram(repo, functionName)
(Repository) Repository object.
(character) Name of the function to get all paths from.
fetchedRepo <- tryCatch(
# Set dir to clone repository to.
tempDir <- tempdir()
pathToRepo <- file.path(tempDir, "glue")
# Clone repo
url = "",
local_path = pathToRepo
# Create instance of Repository object.
repo <- PaRe::Repository$new(path = pathToRepo)
# Set fetchedRepo to TRUE if all goes well.
error = function(e) {
# Set fetchedRepo to FALSE if an error is encountered.
warning = function(w) {
# Set fetchedRepo to FALSE if a warning is encountered.
#> cloning into 'C:\Users\MVANKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpMLHGjE/glue'...
if (fetchedRepo) {
# Run getFunctionDiagram on the Repository object.
getFunctionDiagram(repo = repo, functionName = "glue")