Add a variable to a drug cohort indicating their presence of a medication cohort in a specified time window.
- cohort
A cohort_table object.
- treatmentCohortName
Name of treatment cohort table
- treatmentCohortId
target cohort Id to add treatment
- window
time window of interests.
- indexDate
Name of a column that indicates the date to start the analysis.
- censorDate
Name of a column that indicates the date to stop the analysis, if NULL end of individuals observation is used.
- mutuallyExclusive
Whether to consider mutually exclusive categories (one column per window) or not (one column per window and treatment).
- nameStyle
Name style for the treatment columns. By default: 'treatment_{window_name}' (mutuallyExclusive = TRUE), 'treatment_{window_name}_{cohort_name}' (mutuallyExclusive = FALSE).
- name
Name of the new computed cohort table, if NULL a temporary table will be created.
# \donttest{
cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation(numberIndividuals = 50)
cdm <- generateIngredientCohortSet(
cdm = cdm, name = "drug_cohort", ingredient = "acetaminophen"
#> ℹ Subsetting drug_exposure table
#> ℹ Checking whether any record needs to be dropped.
#> ℹ Collapsing overlaping records.
#> ℹ Collapsing records with gapEra = 1 days.
cdm <- generateIngredientCohortSet(
cdm = cdm, name = "treatments", ingredient = c("metformin", "simvastatin")
#> ℹ Subsetting drug_exposure table
#> ℹ Checking whether any record needs to be dropped.
#> ℹ Collapsing overlaping records.
#> ℹ Collapsing records with gapEra = 1 days.
cdm$drug_cohort |>
addTreatment("treatments", window = list(c(0, 0), c(1, 30), c(31, 60))) |>
#> ℹ Intersect with medications table (treatments).
#> ℹ Collapse medications to mutually exclusive categories
#> Rows: ??
#> Columns: 7
#> Database: DuckDB v1.2.1 [unknown@Linux 6.8.0-1021-azure:R 4.4.3/:memory:]
#> $ cohort_definition_id <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…
#> $ subject_id <int> 24, 28, 10, 45, 6, 14, 42, 37, 39, 23, 17, 27, 16…
#> $ cohort_start_date <date> 2022-05-23, 2009-03-22, 2014-08-06, 2019-02-14, …
#> $ cohort_end_date <date> 2022-10-01, 2019-01-19, 2014-09-25, 2019-07-02, …
#> $ medication_0_to_0 <chr> "metformin", "metformin and simvastatin", "simvas…
#> $ medication_1_to_30 <chr> "metformin", "metformin and simvastatin", "simvas…
#> $ medication_31_to_60 <chr> "metformin", "metformin and simvastatin", "simvas…
# }