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To add a new column with the number of exposures. To add multiple columns use addDrugUtilisation() for efficiency.


  indexDate = "cohort_start_date",
  censorDate = "cohort_end_date",
  restrictIncident = TRUE,
  nameStyle = "number_exposures_{concept_name}",
  name = NULL



Cohort in the cdm


List of concepts to be included.


Name of a column that indicates the date to start the analysis.


Name of a column that indicates the date to stop the analysis, if NULL end of individuals observation is used.


Whether to include only incident prescriptions in the analysis. If FALSE all prescriptions that overlap with the study period will be included.


Character string to specify the nameStyle of the new columns.


Name of the new computed cohort table, if NULL a temporary tables is created.


The same cohort with the added columns.


# \donttest{

cdm <- mockDrugUtilisation()
#> Warning: ! 6 column in person do not match expected column type:
#>  `gender_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `race_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `ethnicity_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `location_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `provider_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `care_site_id` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 1 column in observation_period do not match expected column type:
#>  `period_type_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 2 column in visit_occurrence do not match expected column type:
#>  `visit_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `visit_type_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 10 column in condition_occurrence do not match expected column type:
#>  `condition_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `condition_type_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `condition_status_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `stop_reason` is logical but expected character
#>  `provider_id` is logical but expected integer
#>  `visit_occurrence_id` is logical but expected integer
#>  `visit_detail_id` is logical but expected integer
#>  `condition_source_value` is logical but expected character
#>  `condition_source_concept_id` is logical but expected integer
#>  `condition_status_source_value` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 2 column in drug_exposure do not match expected column type:
#>  `drug_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `drug_type_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 2 column in observation do not match expected column type:
#>  `observation_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `observation_type_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 4 column in concept do not match expected column type:
#>  `concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `valid_start_date` is character but expected date
#>  `valid_end_date` is character but expected date
#>  `invalid_reason` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 2 column in concept_relationship do not match expected column type:
#>  `concept_id_1` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `concept_id_2` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 4 column in concept_ancestor do not match expected column type:
#>  `ancestor_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `descendant_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `min_levels_of_separation` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `max_levels_of_separation` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 9 column in drug_strength do not match expected column type:
#>  `drug_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `ingredient_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `amount_unit_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `numerator_unit_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `denominator_unit_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `box_size` is logical but expected integer
#>  `valid_start_date` is character but expected date
#>  `valid_end_date` is character but expected date
#>  `invalid_reason` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 6 column in person do not match expected column type:
#>  `gender_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `race_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `ethnicity_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `location_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `provider_id` is numeric but expected integer
#>  `care_site_id` is numeric but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 1 column in observation_period do not match expected column type:
#>  `period_type_concept_id` is numeric but expected integer
codelist <- CodelistGenerator::getDrugIngredientCodes(
  name = "acetaminophen"
#> Warning: ! `codelist` contains numeric values, they are casted to integers.
cdm <- generateDrugUtilisationCohortSet(
  cdm = cdm, name = "dus_cohort", conceptSet = codelist

cdm$dus_cohort |>
  addNumberExposures(conceptSet = codelist)
#> # Source:   table<og_092_1725980472> [5 x 5]
#> # Database: DuckDB v1.0.0 [unknown@Linux 6.5.0-1025-azure:R 4.4.1/:memory:]
#>   cohort_definition_id subject_id cohort_start_date cohort_end_date
#>                  <int>      <int> <date>            <date>         
#> 1                    1          6 1987-12-06        1995-01-14     
#> 2                    1         10 2005-12-30        2007-10-07     
#> 3                    1          2 2011-11-19        2012-05-23     
#> 4                    1          9 2008-04-12        2013-03-21     
#> 5                    1          3 1963-07-05        1983-03-13     
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: number_exposures_161_acetaminophen <int>
# }