To add a new column with the exposed time. To add multiple columns use addDrugUtilisation()
for efficiency.
Source: R/addDrugUtilisation.R
To add a new column with the exposed time. To add multiple columns use
for efficiency.
indexDate = "cohort_start_date",
censorDate = "cohort_end_date",
restrictIncident = TRUE,
nameStyle = "days_exposed_{concept_name}",
name = NULL
- cohort
A cohort_table object.
- conceptSet
List of concepts to be included.
- gapEra
Number of days between two continuous exposures to be considered in the same era.
- indexDate
Name of a column that indicates the date to start the analysis.
- censorDate
Name of a column that indicates the date to stop the analysis, if NULL end of individuals observation is used.
- restrictIncident
Whether to include only incident prescriptions in the analysis. If FALSE all prescriptions that overlap with the study period will be included.
- nameStyle
Character string to specify the nameStyle of the new columns.
- name
Name of the new computed cohort table, if NULL a temporary table will be created.