Summarise functions used in R package
summariseFunctionUse(r_files, verbose = FALSE)
Complete path(s) to files to be investigated
Default: FALSE; prints message to console which file is currently being worked on.
r_files = system.file(package = "DependencyReviewer", "testScript.R"))
#> # A tibble: 39 × 4
#> r_file line pkg fun
#> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 testScript.R 28 base function
#> 2 testScript.R 29 base list.files
#> 3 testScript.R 30 base tempdir
#> 4 testScript.R 34 base length
#> 5 testScript.R 35 base message
#> 6 testScript.R 36 dplyr tibble
#> 7 testScript.R 36 unknown read.csv
#> 8 testScript.R 36 base return
#> 9 testScript.R 39 base tempfile
#> 10 testScript.R 41 base tempdir
#> # … with 29 more rows
# Only in an interactive session
if (interactive()) {
summariseFunctionUse(list.files(here::here("R"), full.names = TRUE))