Table with survival summary
Table with survival summary
- x
Result from estimateSingleEventSurvival or estimateCompetingRiskSurvival
- times
Times at which to report survival in the summary table
- timeScale
Time unit to report survival in: days, months or years
- header
A vector containing which elements should go into the header. Allowed are: cdm_name, group, strata, additional, variable, estimate, and settings.
- type
Type of desired formatted table, possibilities: "gt", "flextable", and "tibble".
- groupColumn
Columns to use as group labels.
- .options
Named list with additional formatting options. CohortSurvival::optionsTableSurvival() shows allowed arguments and their default values.
# \donttest{
cdm <- mockMGUS2cdm()
surv <- estimateSingleEventSurvival(cdm,
targetCohortTable = "mgus_diagnosis",
outcomeCohortTable = "death_cohort")
#> - Getting survival for target cohort 'mgus_diagnosis' and outcome cohort
#> 'death_cohort'
#> Getting overall estimates
#> `eventgap`, `outcome_washout`, `censor_on_cohort_exit`, `follow_up_days`, and
#> `minimum_survival_days` casted to character.
tableSurvival(surv, times = c(50,100,365))
# }