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Table with survival events


  eventGap = NULL,
  header = c("estimate"),
  type = "gt",
  groupColumn = NULL,
  .options = list()



Result from estimateSingleEventSurvival or estimateCompetingRiskSurvival.


Event gap defining the times at which to report the risk table information. Must be one of the eventGap inputs used for the estimation function. If NULL, all available are reported.


A vector containing which elements should go into the header. Allowed are: cdm_name, group, strata, additional, variable, estimate, and settings.


Type of desired formatted table, possibilities: "gt", "flextable", and "tibble".


Columns to use as group labels.


Named list with additional formatting options. CohortSurvival::optionsTableSurvival() shows allowed arguments and their default values.


A tibble containing the risk table information (n_risk, n_events, n_censor) for all times within the event gap specified.


# \donttest{
cdm <- mockMGUS2cdm()
surv <- estimateSingleEventSurvival(cdm,
                                    targetCohortTable = "mgus_diagnosis",
                                    outcomeCohortTable = "death_cohort")
#> - Getting survival for target cohort 'mgus_diagnosis' and outcome cohort
#> 'death_cohort'
#> Getting overall estimates
#> `eventgap`, `outcome_washout`, `censor_on_cohort_exit`, `follow_up_days`, and
#> `minimum_survival_days` casted to character.
CDM name Target cohort Outcome name Time Event gap
Estimate name
Number at risk Number events Number censored
mock mgus_diagnosis death_cohort 0 30 1,384 0 0
30 30 1,104 285 3
60 30 895 182 27
90 30 652 167 79
120 30 438 131 74
150 30 299 86 54
180 30 187 57 54
210 30 109 20 58
240 30 61 15 33
270 30 31 11 18
300 30 16 4 10
330 30 7 3 6
360 30 3 1 3
390 30 2 0 1
420 30 1 0 1
424 30 1 1 0
# }