Estimate survival for a given event and competing risk of interest using cohorts in the OMOP Common Data Model
Estimate survival for a given event and competing risk of interest using cohorts in the OMOP Common Data Model
targetCohortId = NULL,
outcomeCohortId = NULL,
outcomeDateVariable = "cohort_start_date",
outcomeWashout = Inf,
competingOutcomeCohortId = NULL,
competingOutcomeDateVariable = "cohort_start_date",
competingOutcomeWashout = Inf,
censorOnCohortExit = FALSE,
censorOnDate = NULL,
followUpDays = Inf,
strata = NULL,
eventGap = 30,
estimateGap = 1,
restrictedMeanFollowUp = NULL,
minimumSurvivalDays = 1
- cdm
CDM reference
- targetCohortTable
- outcomeCohortTable
The outcome cohort table of interest.
- competingOutcomeCohortTable
The competing outcome cohort table of interest.
- targetCohortId
- outcomeCohortId
ID of event cohorts to include. Only one outcome (and so one ID) can be considered.
- outcomeDateVariable
Variable containing date of outcome event
- outcomeWashout
Washout time in days for the outcome
- competingOutcomeCohortId
ID of event cohorts to include. Only one competing outcome (and so one ID) can be considered.
- competingOutcomeDateVariable
Variable containing date of competing outcome event
- competingOutcomeWashout
Washout time in days for the competing outcome
- censorOnCohortExit
If TRUE, an individual's follow up will be censored at their cohort exit
- censorOnDate
if not NULL, an individual's follow up will be censored at the given date
- followUpDays
Number of days to follow up individuals (lower bound 1, upper bound Inf)
- strata
- eventGap
Days between time points for which to report survival events, which are grouped into the specified intervals.
- estimateGap
Days between time points for which to report survival estimates. First day will be day zero with risk estimates provided for times up to the end of follow-up, with a gap in days equivalent to eventGap.
- restrictedMeanFollowUp
number of days of follow-up to take into account when calculating restricted mean for all cohorts
- minimumSurvivalDays
Minimum number of days required for the main cohort to have survived
tibble with survival information for desired cohort, including: time, people at risk, survival probability, cumulative incidence, 95 CIs, strata and outcome. A tibble with the number of events is outputted as an attribute of the output
# \donttest{
cdm <- mockMGUS2cdm()
surv <- estimateCompetingRiskSurvival(
cdm = cdm,
targetCohortTable = "mgus_diagnosis",
targetCohortId = 1,
outcomeCohortTable = "progression",
outcomeCohortId = 1,
competingOutcomeCohortTable = "death_cohort",
competingOutcomeCohortId = 1,
eventGap = 7
#> - Getting survival for target cohort 'mgus_diagnosis', outcome cohort
#> 'progression' and competing outcome cohort 'death_cohort'
#> Getting overall estimates
#> `eventgap`, `outcome_washout`, `censor_on_cohort_exit`, `follow_up_days`, and
#> `minimum_survival_days` casted to character.
# }